About Zimin Foundation

The Zimin Foundation is a non-for-profit organization established by the 

Zimin Family with the aim to support education and science.


Historically the Zimin Family focused its philanthropic activities on Russia operating through the Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation. The Zimin Foundation continues those activities to some extent. However, The Zimin Foundation does not limit itself geographically to Russia and extends its activities to different countries.


The Zimin Foundation is financed by the Zimin Trust.


Dr. Dmitry Borisovich Zimin is the Founder and Honorary President of Vimpelcom, the first Russian company listed in 1996 on NYSE through IPO.

Dr. Zimin retired and sold his controlling stake in Vimpelcom in 2001. Since then, He devoted majority of his time to philanthropic activities founding the Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation in 2002.

In 2007 Dr. Zimin transferred nearly 90% of his wealth to an endowment legally structured as the Zimin Trust. Although the Zimin Family retains a decisive vote on giving from the endowment, neither Dr. Zimin, nor his heirs may benefit from the Zimin Trust.


The Carnegie Trust recognized these efforts in 2013 with Dr. Zimin becoming the first Russian philanthropist to be awarded the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.


In 2015 Dr. Zimin was honored by the award “For Commitment to Science” by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

Dr. Zimin’s commitment to philanthropy is shared by his son Boris Zimin, who's actively involved is the family's philanthropic activities.

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