Submission process

2018-2019 Cycle


The Call for Proposals is scheduled to be published on November 1st, 2018.


The deadline for submission of the proposals is Tuesday, January 15th, 2019.

The submitted projects must follow this year's scope of research, as will be stated in the Call for Proposals.


The proposed projects will be viewed by a scholar's committee appointed and headed by the Vice President for Research and Development of Tel Aviv University.

The committee will select for funding up to 5 promising research projects on a competitive basis.


Grants shall be up to $100,000 for a period of one year, Duration of funding will be one year, with a possibility to apply for a second year extension.


Submission Instructions and deadlines


  • Principal investigators should be faculty members (at all levels of tenure track).
  • Proposals should be submitted in English.
  • An abstract which clearly outlines the overarching goals of the research proposal is required (not exceeding 250 words).
  • The research project description should not exceed 5 pages (1.5-line spacing, 12-point characters), excluding references, CVs (2 pages max each), budget, and budget justification.
  • Budget items may include student fellowships, postdocs, specialist time, equipment, consumables, disposables and/or services (such as: computing, data analysis costs). Workshop support is also possible.
  • 25% matching by the University is required. University matching will be IN KIND and should be mentioned in the proposal's budget.
  • Endorsement by the Dean or School Head or equivalent should be attached.
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